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Restoration gallery: RFT F2000
Recently, we acquired some teletypes for the collection, one of them is the RFT F2000. The F2000 features microprocessor control, not like the earlier models which rely on motor driven mechanisms for the encoding and decoding of the signals. Here are some photos of the restoration process. Another interesting thing is that the F2000 features…

IZOT CM1604 – restoration and repair
Recently we saved from the scrap two IZOT terminals, used in the local factories here. Basically these are DEC VT100 clones, made in Bulgaria in the 80`s. In the following articles to come we will take on a more detailed aproach on the CM1604 and the M3, whis is the third revision.

REPAIR GUIDE: Commodore 64 with a common problem
Recently a friend of the museum sent us his breadbin Commodore 64 that he acquired online with complains that there is garbage on the screen and there is no cursor. As much as we like restoring vintage computers and dealing with newer problems that enrich our knowledge base, we have never actually repaired a breadbin…

“Transporter” for our ROBKO-01
Last month we finally acquired a “Transporter-1” conveyor belt for our ROBKO-01. For our luck it was brand new in the bag with the instruction manual. At first it looked like it took a beat at the side and part of the metal chassis was bent. We decided to take it apart and do a…

A “COMPANION” in our collection
During soviet times many computer clones were created, most of them were manufactured in Bulgaria and then exported to the USSR. But many other computers were made inside the USSR, mainly ZX Spectrum clones. In our example, the computer is manufactured from the beginning of the end of the USSR to until 1995. “Компаньо́н 2”…

IZOT CM1604 M3 restoration – part3 (monitor)
The final part of the restoration is to clean up the monitor and test everything. Removing the top case reveals the chassis type monitor. The next step for the future is to create a Wi-Fi modem with an ESP8266 microcontroler for the terminal. This will give us the ability to connect it to the internet…